Services : Law Enforcement
Background Investigations
Background checks, investigations, and pre-employment background screenings. You need timely, reliable, & actionable data. Our background investigations are tailored to each client's needs. Inexpensive, online instant background checks simply don’t provide the full picture.
BWC Audits
Crescent Investigations conducts required bi-annual audits that meet statute requirements in a manner that is efficient for your staff. We have a process where the audit is done remotely to reduce costs to your agency.
Property/Evidence Audits
It is recommended that each time your organization has a change in Chief/Sheriff, or evidence technician, that a random sample of items are audited. At least once every five years it is recommended that a full inventory of property/evidence items in an agency’s possession is conducted.
HR & Employee Conduct Investigations
Avoid conflicts of interest in the workplace. Use Crescent’s investigators to sort details related to internal affairs. With reliable facts, you can make unbiased decisions.
Digital Forensics
Crescent is qualified to locate and preserve your data across multiple platforms for law enforcement, attorneys, insurance and private persons. This includes computers, cellular devices, gaming devices and cloud storage.
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